Friday, October 26, 2007

TAPATE (Cover Yourself)

Pez en Raya

This is a delightful show. It is multi-layered—Pez en Raya portraying actors in a crime drama; they each play multiple characters in the cast. Right from the “serious” sit-down introduction from the “actors,” Pez en Raya create a sense of play. They speak in Malapropisms, and answer questions based on foolish assumptions about what the audience is thinking. We are assured that there is no romantic relationship between the actors, yet they are repeatedly carried away by their secret passion any time they are close to each other.

A bewigged heroine flamenco stomps her husband to death and goes on the run. The re-wigged and mustachioed detective assigned to the crime enlists the audience as investigators, and heads off with his assistant to apprehend the criminal. This is all played with brilliant silliness among the cardboard boxes they use as props and set. There was a stunning bit of business with a stuffed dog and a “corpse.”

I was struck by how much FUN Pez en Raya were having with each other; this directly transferred to the audience. We were swept up in the joyful spirit, willing to follow any foolish path they set us on.


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